Essay on Allama Iqbal Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 in English, Urdu

Essay Allama Iqbal Class 6-7-8 English-Urdu

Essay on Allama Iqbal | My favourite Personality / Hero

Allama Iqbal was our great National hero. He is the poet of East. He was born in Sialkoat on November 9, 1877. He received his early education in Sialkoat. He passed intermediate examination from Murrey College Sialkoat. Then he went to Lahore for higher studies.

After that, he went to England and Germany. He got Ph.D. in Philosophy. He wrote many poems in praise of the Muslim culture. He reminded the Muslims of their glorious past. The names of some of his books are Bang-e-Dara, Bal-e-Jibril, Payam-e-Mashriq and Asrar-e-Khudi. He gave the idea of Pakistan. He requested Quaid-e-Azam to accept the leadership of the Muslims. He was, indeed, a great leader. He died on April 21, 1938. He was buried near the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore.

Read also: My Favourite Personality Allama Iqbal Essay

Allama Iqbal Essay with Urdu Translation

Allama Iqbal was our great National hero. علامہ محمد ہمارے قومی ہیرو تھے
He is the poet of East. وہ شاعر مشرق ہیں
He was born in Sialkoat on November 9, 1877. وہ 9 نومبر 1877ء کو سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوۓ
He received his early education in Sialkoat. انہوں نے سیالکوٹ میں اپنی ابتدائی تعلیم حاصل کی
He passed intermediate examination from Murrey College Sialkoat. انھوں نے مری کالج سیالکوٹ سے انڑمیڈیٹ سے امتحان پاس کیا
Then he went to Lahore for higher studies. پھر وہ اعلٰی تعلیم کے لیے لاہور چلے گئے
After that, he went to England and Germany. اس کے بعد وہ انگلینڈ اور جرمنی گئے
He got Ph.D. in Philosophy. انہوں نے فلسفے میں پی ایچ ڈی کی
He wrote many poems in praise of the Muslim culture. انہوں نے مسلم تمدن کی تعریف میں کئی نظمیں لکھیں
He reminded the Muslims of their glorious past. انہوں نے مسلمانوں کو ان کا شاندار ماضی یاد دلایا
The names of some of his books are Bang-e-Dara, Bal-e-Jibril, Payam-e-Mashriq and Asrar-e-Khudi. ان کی چند کتابوں کے نام بانگِ درا، بالِ جبریل، پیامِ مشرق اور اسرارِ خودی ہیں
He gave the idea of Pakistan.  انھوں نے پاکستان کا تصور پیش کیا
He requested Quaid-e-Azam to accept the leadership of the Muslims. انہوں نے قائداعظم سے مسلمانوں کی قیادت قبول کرنے کی درخواست کی
He was, indeed, a great leader.   وہ واقعی ایک عظیم رہنما تھے
He died on April 21, 1938. وہ 21 اپریل 1938 کو فوت ہوۓ
He was buried near the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore. انہیں بادشاہی مسجد لاہور میں دفن کیا گیا

Read More: Allama Iqbal Essay For Class 9 & 10

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